
you are the only person that knows what makes you exactly happy. no one was created by God to live a sad unfulfilled life. you have to find what makes you happy and live for that. observing from my own experience, happiness is coming either from an egoistic state or from a soul spirit state.

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awakening of the soul

we are one with Him in every way. The mind might not get that, but we are. there is a time in life where the soul awakens to its true nature. where the mind stop being in charge and the soul takes over, where one starts seeing who they truly are, by experiencing the soul

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Low Vibrations of guilt and shame maybe stopping you from manifesting your dream life.

F for Relationships. You may have experienced issues and things in the past that you wish you handled different. May be even in the present. If there is something you are ashamed of, in any degree it may be hindering you from manifesting your desired life. If there is something that you are feel guilty

Low Vibrations of guilt and shame maybe stopping you from manifesting your dream life. Read More »

Forgiving Yourself , how Easy is it for you to get back to your Centre?

F for Faith. As you move in the Path you have chosen, your path which you have decided, which you are now, where life is happening for you and with you, you will encounter different challenges. Sometimes the experiences are pleasant and sometimes not. But they are all valid and necessary. You will experience the

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Synchroniaties And Signs from the Universe

Are you experiencing repeating words, events, maybe numbers! Has something been catching your attention and you are wondering what is happening to you. You were thinking about something, someone and you had an experience with them? Maybe they called you, you met them? You see something that bring your attention to something that you were

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Mindful Eating

F for Food. There is no wrong or right way to eat. Eating is a personal choice, how you choose your diet lifestyle varries from person to person. There is no judgement on that. But there are some eating lifestyles that have have been proven to encourage positive relationships with food. Mindful eating is a

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adult affection baby child

An Inheritance for your Children- not money, an inheritance of Integrity

F for Family. As parents we have the big responsibly of ensuring that our children get the bestow life and the best things in this life. As good parents we can go to extreme measures to see that happens. Most of the times we are ready to do anything and everything to see that our

An Inheritance for your Children- not money, an inheritance of Integrity Read More »