MumBi coaching services

I am a student of Mr. Wallace Wattles. I enjoy studying his work on the science of life and success. He talks a lot about oneness and success in different aspects of life. He is known for his writings on the Science of getting rich, the science of being well, A new Christ among other books.

I have been going through a spiritual awakening or ascension in the most unexpected way that shattered my religious mind and beliefs.Through that I am continue getting more and more clarity in life and my purpose. I continue up-leveling and upgrading my mindset and lifestyle to embody the woman I am becoming. At this moment in my life I am drawn to working mainly with religious christian people or Christian women to support and guide them upgrade and up level their mindset to embody success and align with Spirit.

I am an up-coming Leading Divine Alignment Coach, I work mostly with women, helping them to rediscover and align with their divine authentic power, by so doing they are able to manifest they dream life consciously.

That is done by my 90 Days Embodiment Program- Embody Authentic Woman, Now! To see if we can work together book a free session with me. In the Program I Focus on the Proverbs 31 Woman and we manifest her in your life. We use the word of God to create your reality.

As I started this Blog, I was inspired, to inspire others to bring order and alignment in the important areas that I think create a balanced life. To make it easier to understand and remember, I RHYME them in Letter F`s. There maybe more aspects that affect life, but I will focus on the following.